Seoul is an extensive metropolis. A city that is not only big in terms of territory, with a landscape that goes as far as your eyesight can reach, but also a highly populated one. With more than twenty million inhabitants in its whole metropolitan area, the cases in which you will be blessed to share this beautiful city, only on the company of your thoughts, will be quite rare.
A city filled with countless people is also brimming with stories. Some happy, some sad, some inspiring, some that could most definitely bring you to tears… Tears that could be filled with as much empathy as joy. Stories just like yours, or even mine, stories that are at times deeply hidden and others fervently awaiting to be told… but in this sea of people, the mystery is not only on the stories but also on who will be the narrator, searching deep within us all…

As I wrote in a previous article, in such a mist of people it is sometimes hard to look outside of our bubble, search far from the perimeter of what we already know and are comfortable with. At times, the more people there are, the harder it seems to be not to feel lonely. There are plenty of people but a lack of connection, but if just for a minute we would take the time to look at the world through somebody else's eyes, the results could leave us speechless… Jiseok, the photographer and creator behind Humans Living Seoul, seems to want to do just that, make individuals stand out of the crowd to tell us their own and unique stories.
Jiseok started working in a photography studio as an internship for his studies and amidst this internship for his corporate career he found out his true passion and current job, photography. He is now a full-time photographer and has even opened his own studio collaborating with many different brands, models, and artists. He got the reward of following his dreams, working in something that he really enjoys and loves in exchange for being brave enough to risk and follow his passion. It was and still is not always easy, but he still believes is 100% worth it. Something that I feel deeply connected too as it is similar to my own story...
What is my story? Well…
I am Lorena, a model, editor and content creator that has worked a lot to be where she is standing today. I also started with a degree, a master´s and a lot of hard work to completely drop everything for what makes me happy. Not all work was fun or as glistening as the covers of the magazines I have worked on but it all lead me to the path I am today.
All my backsteps and mistakes, the hard work, the tears, and even the lost dreams have made me the woman I am today. A woman that I can finally say I am truly proud of. It was not always easy but my love for creation and being truly happy and at peace with who I am becoming have made it worth it.
Fashion had been my dream for as long as l could remember and nowadays creating is what helps me regain my freedom and motivation here in Seoul, a city so far away from my hometown, Madrid, but still as close to my heart as the lively and warm city right in the center of Spain that is my hometown.
One of my big dreams is to create content that I am extremely and utterly proud of, content that moves, inspires, and helps others deeper down the mere physical aspect. With my art and the way I live life, I want to create positive circles because they say that we can only move those people around us, but I believe that if we move them in the right away, even a couple of people is more than enough. Those people might move the people around them, so you might never know the true result of your actions, but I do know one thing, I want to leave the world a better place than how I found it.
I want to leave people feeling better than when we originally met, physically or virtually, and contribute to make the world a better place by making myself better first. I wish to give out kindness, positiveness, love, inspiration, and laughter. I have learned with time that the beauty in life is on the small things, so I want to fill my life and the life of those coming in contact with me with as many pretty little things as I can.
What about you? What are your dreams? Whatever there are if I can give you only one piece of advice it will be: fight for them, fight with kindness but fight for all those things that make you jump out of bed in the morning because we all deserve to create those things that make our eyes sparkle.